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Monthly T-Time
When you come to one of our T-Time events, you will be made to feel welcome by our members. We have a very active Social Committee. T-times are held 2-3 times per month at local venues. All T-Times are at 4 to 6PM unless otherwise noted. T-time events are open to members and prospective members. Learn about upcoming club activities and subgroups and mingle with fellow singles.
To Attend T-Time
Feel free to email us, drop us a note, talk to us at T-Time, or attend a board meeting. We sincerely welcome all suggestions. Our next T-Times are:
Wednesday, May 8 at Liberty Center
Wednesday, May 22 at Carrabba's Restaurant
Wednesday, June12 at Liberty Center
Wednesday, June 26 at Yorktown Grill
Wednesday, July 10 at Liberty Center
Wednesday, July 24 to be announced
Wednesday August 14 at Liberty Center
Wednesday August 28 to be announced
T-TIME Highlights
We had several new members join. Over 50 members attended.

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